Safety & Security in D118
District 118 Safety & Security
Mr. Paul Mydlach, Director
555 N. Main Street
Wauconda, Illinois 60084
(847) 526 - 7690
As Director of Safety & Security, Mr. Mydlach is responsible for the following key areas:
Reviewing and implementing changes to school safety protocols;
Operationalizing the district’s comprehensive safety assessment;
Providing security and safety services for all school campuses and buildings;
Collaborating with buildings to engage students in appropriate behaviors and activities to facilitate academic and social-emotional growth.
Mission & Vision
School Safety Vision:
A safe school is a place where learning can occur in a welcoming environment free of intimidation, violence, and fear. Wauconda CUSD 118 is dedicated to providing a safe environment for children so they can focus on learning and growing.
School Safety Mission:
The Wauconda CUSD 118 Safety and Security Department is committed to the safety and security of students, staff, and visitors within all Wauconda CUSD 118 facilities. Professional development and collaborative partnerships are necessary to the success of the safety plan and emergency management efforts that include prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery procedures relevant to potential natural and human-caused crises.
Safe School Planning
Safe school planning is a partnership that includes a working relationship with local emergency responders, community members, government leaders, social service networks, parents, and students.
A safe school plan is a dynamic process that is comprehensive, evaluative and constantly evolving.
Safe school planning is as much of a journey as it is a destination.
Organizational capacity, professional development, and teamwork are formed and shaped during the journey.
Wauconda CUSD 118 has been through a comprehensive school security assessment where our schools and district safety plans were assessed to identify the positive school safety procedures currently practiced, and to make recommendations for strengthening the district's safety, security, and crisis preparedness. We continue to practice, evaluate, and update our plans on a regular basis.
Emergency Alert Notifications
Wauconda Community United School District 118 communicates regularly with parents using a mass electronic messaging system. Parents will receive automated phone calls, text messages, and emails during school emergencies. If families are not receiving messages, check to ensure that the correct phone and email address are on file. It is critical that the District has correct contact information for families during an emergency; please make sure to update any school emergency contact information for each child each time the information changes.
Please do not attempt to call the school during an emergency, the District will contact families with the information as soon as possible. Although there are people assigned to answer phones at school, these lines are likely to be overloaded during an emergency and are not the best source of information. Keep your phone with you during emergencies to receive updates.
For school emergency information, check the district website and watch for communications from the district to your phone or email.
Depending on the emergency, families may not be able to get close to the school and may be asked to wait in a safe area. If it is hazardous for students to be released, everyone will be kept inside the school until notified by the authorities that it is safe outside. Schools will act with the safety of students in mind, and school officials will always follow the directives of the police department and the fire department.
ALICE School Safety Protocols
All Wauconda School District teachers and staff use ALICE as part of their school safety protocols.The safety protocol called ALICE was implemented in the unlikely event of an armed intruder in one of our school buildings. This training encourages staff and students to respond based on their situation, rather than rely on centralized instructions in dynamic times of crisis.
ALICE is a federally endorsed safety protocol. The letters ALICE stand for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate:
Alert – inform people of the threat, giving as much information as possible.
Lockdown – Students and Staff can choose to lockdown and barricade the room that they are in if they determine that it is not safe to evacuate.
Inform – pass on as much information as possible to others and to First Responders, including contacting 911.
Counter – an effort of last resort, if an armed intruder is able to get into the space that they are in; students are being trained to use every effort to stop the intruder instead of being passive victims.
Evacuate – If it is safe to do so, all are encouraged to evacuate the building, and remove themselves from the threat.
Learn more about ALICE here -- ALICE Training Institute
Under ALICE training, staff and students are oriented to different options to respond to a school intruder who is intent on doing harm. In certain circumstances, the “lock the door and hide” strategy might be appropriate. In some cases, the teacher and students might take precautions to barricade the entrance(s) of the classroom. Under certain conditions, it might be the best decision for the teacher and students to flee the building. It is the intention of ALICE that the strategies we provide will increase the chances that our staff and students might survive if a terrible circumstance of an armed intruder ever were to occur.
Student & Parent Reunification
The Wauconda School District follows the Standard Reunification Method (SRM). Circumstances may occur at the school that require parents to pick up their students in a formalized, controlled release or dismissal from a location other than their child's school. This process is called Reunification and may be necessary due to weather, a power outage, hazardous materials or if a crisis occurs at the school. The Reunification method is a protocol that makes the process more predictable and less chaotic/confusing for all involved.
Reunifying students with their parents or legal guardians in the aftermath of an emergency is very important and requires planning in advance of the emergency to ensure everyone is safe. Accomplishing this goal requires the efficient, coordinated use of resources and efforts from across the entire community (including School District personnel, local law enforcement, fire and Emergency Management officials).
Parents should always make sure to keep their emergency contact information up to date in the school so notifications will be made to you in a timely manner. ALWAYS bring your identification when you will be picking up your student(s).
Parents may be notified in a number of ways. The school may send out automated phone messages, emails or website postings – usually multiple messages to keep you updated to this event. ALWAYS BRING YOUR ID. Also make sure that your personal information such as phone numbers and email addresses are up to date so you will receive these messages. Please do not call the school.
If a parent or guardian is notified that a reunification is needed, there are some expectations that parents or guardians should be aware of. Do not go to the school - students will not be released from the school. Do not call the school - the staff will be involved with transporting students. Always bring identification to the reunification site. Reunification is a process that protects both the safety of the student and provides an accountable change of custody from the school to a recognized custodial parent or guardian. We cannot release students to anyone who is not listed on the Emergency Contact information for the school.
When a parent cannot immediately go to the reunification site, students will only be released to individuals previously identified on the student Emergency Contact List. Otherwise, the school will hold students until parents can pick up their student.
There may be instances where a student may not be allowed to remove a vehicle from the parking lot. In this case, parents will be advised to pick up their student at the reunification site.
For parents, there are a couple of steps. If a parent is driving to the reunification site, greater awareness of traffic and emergency vehicles is advised. Parents should park where instructed to park by officials at the reunification site. Do not abandon your vehicle. Go to the reunification “check in” area and form lines based on the first letter of their student’s last name (if you have multiple students, you can check them all out in one line). Have your identification with you. While in line, parents will be asked to fill out a reunification form. This form is two part and will be separated by school officials during the process. Parents are asked to complete all parts of the form for each student you are picking up.
See the following sample cards: English Form and Spanish Form
During check in, identification and custody rights are confirmed on every student. The form is separated and handed back to the parent. From the “Check In” area, parents are directed to the “Staging” area. There, a runner will take your form and go to the Student Assembly Area to retrieve the student(s).
Parents should be aware that in some cases, they may be invited into the building for further information.
In some instances, parents may be advised that a law enforcement investigation is underway and may be advised that interviews are necessary. In extreme cases, parents may be pulled inside for emergency or medical information. Please understand that this process will take time and we will work to ensure that everyone is delivered safely to their parent or guardian. For further information please see attached parent handout: English and Spanish.
Cardiac Emergency Response Plan (CERP)
Parent & Student Safety & Self Help Links
Illinois Department of Children & Family Services -- (DCFS Hotline) -- DCFS has the primary responsibility of protecting children through the investigation of suspected abuse or neglect by parents and other caregivers in a position of trust or authority over the child. Call the 24-hour Child Abuse Hotline at 800-25-ABUSE (800-252-2873 or TTY 1-800-358-5117) if you suspect that a child has been harmed or is at risk of being harmed by abuse or neglect. If you believe a child is in immediate danger of harm, call 911 first. Your confidential call will not only make sure the child is safe, but also help provide the child’s family the services they need to provide a safe, loving and nurturing home.
Suicide Prevention Hotline -- Call or Text 988. No matter what problems you are dealing with, we want to help you find a reason to keep living.
See Something Say Something is monitored 24/7 by SAFE2HELP ILLINOIS. Reports are confidential and can be made via phone (844-4SAFEIL), Text “SAFE2” (772332), or in the APP store. If this is an Emergency contact 911.
National Runaway Safeline -- By calling 1-800-RUNAWAY or 1-800-786-2929, you will immediately share your story with a compassionate person and build a plan together.
Internet Safety and Cyber Bullying Safety tips:
Need Help? Call 211. 211 is an easy to remember, 24-hour information and referral helpline designed to reduce time and frustration by acting as a central access point to the health and human services in Lake County. Click here for more information in English and Spanish.
What Is Human Trafficking?
Human trafficking occurs when a trafficker uses force, fraud or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or soliciting labor or services against his/her will. Force, fraud, or coercion need not be present if the individual engaging in commercial sex is under 18 years of age. Please click here for more information or to access the National Human Trafficking Hotline at