Medical Information

Action Forms, Plans & Programs


Bee Sting/Insect Allergy Action Form


Food Allergy Management Program



The following guidelines concerning the administration of medication during school hours are reflective of both Board policy and state law. In order for school staff to allow students to take any medication at school, the appropriate forms must be on file with the school nurse. 

Medication authorization forms, as well as unsupervised self-administration of medication forms for asthma inhalers and emergency medications, are available below in a printable format or at all school and district offices. All forms must be complete, indicating the name of the student, name of the medication, dosage, time of administration and any other information requested to ensure the safe administration of medication. The prescription and self-administration forms also require a physician's signature.

These forms, along with a physician's signature, must be updated at the beginning of each school year. All completed forms and medications must be brought to the school nurse. Please do not send medication to school with your child. Parents should bring all medications to and from school to ensure the safety of all students. The medications must be in the original container with the name of the student displayed. The prescription bottle must have a current label in place. Wauconda CUSD 118 does not supply any medications for student use.


Documentation of all immunizations is required by the Illinois Public Health Department. School board policy and state law require students to have complete physical or immunization records by October 15 of each school year. 

District 118 Immunization State Reports:

Required Physical, Dental & Eye Exams

The laws of the State of Illinois require that physical examinations be given to children entering kindergarten, sixth, and ninth grades. Physical Exam forms are available below and at all school and district offices.

Required Dental Exams

The laws of the State of Illinois require that oral health examinations be given to children entering kindergarten, second, sixth, and ninth grades. Dental Exam forms are listed below and are available at all school and district offices.

Required Eye Exams

The laws of the State of Illinois require that all students entering kindergarten or an Illinois school for the first time are required to have an eye examination by a physician licensed to practice medicine in all its branches or a licensed optometrist. Eye exam forms are listed below and are available at all school and district offices.

Required Medical Exams for IESA & IHSA Sports Participation


State law requires the Illinois High School Association to post a hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillators training video on its website. The law also requires the District to notify staff members and parents/guardians about the video. You are encouraged to view the video, which will take less than 15 minutes to view. 

Click here to view the video: 

Health & Wellness

Health, good nutrition and physical activity, is promoted in the District’s educational program, school activities, and meal programs. The following resources provide information to help you encourage healthy habits and attitudes for a healthy lifestyle.